Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Video

    2. Introduction and Course Overview

    1. Part 1 Outline

    2. Part 1 Study Guide

    1. Module 1 Overview

    2. Module 1 Lesson 1: DISCOVERING A GENIUS (short reading) by Fred Amrine

    3. Module 1 Lesson 2: ANTHROPOSOPHY AS THE SECOND SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION (slideshow and lecture) with Robert McKay

    4. Module 1 Lesson 3: ANTHROPOSOPHY ALIVE IN THE WORLD - Overview (7 video presentations located below)

    5. Waldorf Education (with Diane Walters)

    6. More on Waldorf Education (with Merwin Lewis)

    7. Biodynamic Farming (with Michael Schmidt)

    8. The Anthroposophical Approach to Art (with Regine Kurek)

    9. Eurythmy: A New Art of Movement (with Jonathan Snow)

    10. New Eyes for Architecture (with Bert Chase)

    11. The Christian Community (with Jonah Evans)

    12. Medicine and Healing (with Kenneth McAlister)

    1. Module 2 Overview

    2. Module 2 Lesson 1: THE LIFE OF RUDOLF STEINER An Interactive Timeline

    3. Module 2 Lesson 2: Reading 1 - "Rudolf Steiner - An Oevre" by John Davy

    4. Module 2 Lesson 2: Reading 2 - "Introducing Rudolf Steiner" by Owen Barfield

    5. Module 2 Lesson 3: Impressions of Rudolf Steiner from Those Who Met Him

    6. Impressions from Friedrich Rittlemeyer

    7. Impressions from Friedrich Rittlemeyer #2

    8. Impressions from Assya Turgeniev

    9. Impressions from Albert Steffen

    10. Impressions from Anna Samweber

    11. Impressions from Anna Samweber #2

    12. Impressions from Gladys Mayer

    13. Impressions from Herbert Hahn

    14. Impressions from Albert Schweitzer

    15. Impression from Guenther Wachsmuth

    16. Impressions from Dr. Frederik Willem Zeylmans van Emmichoven

    17. Impressions from Gottfried Haass-Berkow

    18. Impressions from George Adams

    1. Part 2 OUTLINE (Modules 3, 4, 5, 6, )


    1. Welcome to Module 3 (Video)

    2. Module 3: Introduction / Leading Question / Contemporary Comparison

    3. UNIT 3.1 - THE HUMAN BEING - LESSON 1: Reading: The 7-fold Nature of the Human Being

    4. UNIT 3.1 - LESSON 2a: Interactive Graphic - The 3-Fold Human

    5. UNIT 3.1 - LESSON 2b: Interactive Graphic - The 4-Fold Human

    6. UNIT 3.1 - LESSON 3: Qualities of the I-Being

    7. UNIT 3.2 - THE EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS - LESSON 1 - READING 1: "Owen Barfield and the Evolution of Consciousness"

    8. UNIT 3.2 - LESSON 1 - READING 2: "An Overview of the Evolution of Consciousness"

    9. Unit 3.2 - Lesson 2a: "Myth and the Evolution of Consciousness"

    10. Unit 3.2 LESSON 2b: "The Myth of Odysseus - An Anthroposophical View"

    11. UNIT 3.3 - KARMA AND REINCARNATION - LESSON 1: Short Reading: 'Reincarnation and the West' by Rene Querido

    12. UNIT 3.3 - LESSON 2: Video Presentation: Karma and Destiny with Arlene Thorn

    13. UNIT 3.2 LESSON 3: Characteristics of the Consciousness Soul in the World

About this course

  • $50.00
  • 5.5 hours of video content
  • 6 Modules
  • 16 Lessons

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